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Drunk head shave

WEEKNDTORONTO – Singer ‘The Weeknd’, genuine title Abel Tesfaye is renowned for his dark and intimate themed music. Yet another thing The Weeknd is renowned for is their crazy Basquiat-like locks style—or shall we say WAS known.

Reports tend to be circulating that while Abel went to a party in the hometown Toronto, an arbitrary party-goer, loaded with scissors and a hair clipper, completely shaved from the Weeknd’s iconic locks as he had been passed from consuming a lot of alcohol.SC Another party-goer managed to snapchat the scene whilst the Weeknd had been told their mind had been shaved.

Articulating a face of pure surprise within the snapchat. See snapchat pictures below:

The Weeknd woke up screaming “I can’t feel my dreads” and may perhaps not believe it he was as a whole surprise. For some reason no one noticed the guy shaving the Weeknd’s mind until after he had been done, when this occurs the guy escaped to the night. There are concepts that The Weeknd in addition destroyed his power to sing after dropping his locks, like the biblical tale of Samson, which manages to lose their enormous real strength after having his hair shaved down.

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